Get Listed on the Martial Arts Schools Directory provides all types of martial arts information. We have thousands of articles on hundreds of martial arts topics. Read about training, teaching, safety, news and more, along with biographies and info about martial arts systems and styles. Join us to learn more about martial arts, because the study of martial arts can change your life.

The World’s First and Only Martial Arts History Museum has now moved to a larger location in Glendale, CA. Be sure to visit the new, 8,000 square foot place. Visit the Museum Hall of Fame Wall. Visit the Bruce Lee section. Designed by a Walt Disney Productions artist, take the whole school.

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Why Study Martial Arts

Stephen Spivey Survival Guide

System Continuity, A Key Component in a Self Defense System

A Must Have There are many key components that make up a good reality based self defense system. Knowing the psychology of an aggressor, using...
Rodney King - Why Do Competitive Sports

Why Do Competitive Sports

Is learning competitive sports like boxing and the lessons learned restricted solely to the ring? For a very long time researchers have been unable to...

Systems and Styles



Bokator means to to fight like a lion. It is a Khmer martial art that may be a predecessor of southeast Asian kickboxing styles....

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Martial Arts Entertainment


No Bully Zone

Understanding Bullying

The CDC believes that understanding bullying is crucial. Bullying is a form of youth violence defined as any unwanted...

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Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ethics

Scott Miller

Scott Miller

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Chase Perfection in the Martial Arts

Chase Perfection in Your Martial Arts Training

“Don't mistake activity for achievement” Coach John Wooden “Don’t mistake activity for achievement” says Coach John Wooden. I have used this quote often in my...

Get Listed on the Martial Arts Schools Directory

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Get Real with Dan Meadows

Get Real: America – Soft Targets Among Us!

Before I begin, and out of great appreciation, I want to thank Dana Stamos and for inviting me to write  “Get Real”. This...

Martial Arts Apps

Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory

The Martial Arts Schools Directory is a complete martial arts web directory promoting martial arts schools, businesses, instructors and more.

Get Listed on the Martial Arts Schools Directory is broken into “Centers” including the Learning Center, the Training Center, The Instructor’s Center, the Safety Center, and the News Center. Join us and discover the benefits of training in the martial arts. Hundreds of biographies for martial arts instructors can be found in the Instructor’s Center and Who’s Who has famous martial artists throughout history.